Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Baby Name Bingo

Before I begin this post let me just start off my saying that my mother named me Serendipity so I am not laughing at these children, I'm laughing with them...and really...I'm laughing to keep from crying. If you want to learn more about my name and why my fool of a mother named me you can in the "About Me" section of this blog.

Okay, on to the post...

Every year when my best friend and I are forced by our mothers to volunteer at Vacation Bible School we play a little game called Baby Name Bingo. It seems that my mother wasn't the only parent at church who decided to get a little crazy with the baby names.

Here are the rules. In what ever way you are working with kids, be it in a classroom or at summer camp or in VBS like Laura and me, you take your card and as you are going over your class list, you start marking off names of the children you meet that are discribed by the words on the card.

For example:
If you have a Phoenix in your class, you could mark off City as Name, Comic Book Character, and Names with an X.

If you have a Sienna, Star, or Paisley you could mark off the Color, Patterns or Shapes square.

This year in my class I had an Archer (Violent Name), Pax (Name with an X) Logan (girl with a boy's name), Barron (Royal Title), and a Zoriah (Name with a Z)


Laura won the award for the most boxes filled in with out a Bingo. She had a Liberty, Charity, Grace, Hope and Joy which all fell in to the Concept or Feeling category. Then she had a Lexus (Car name), and a Gunner (Violent Name.) When little Zelda walked in she had a Z name and a video game name.

So close!

She wasn't sure how to categorize Sabine because she said that I didn't have a box for "Names that remind you of the rape of and entire nation of people" but I said to just put it in "Historical Figures."

Yes, the parents at Graceful Falls Baptist Church have gotten very creative. There is a mother who named her twins after cheese (Colby and Bree) and a mother who named her daughter Blue. We have a Ranger, McKinley and Xochilt (pronounced So chill.) Maybe I shouldn't feel so bad about being named Serendipity. (Which could also be marked on the board for Concept or Feeling.)

Pastor Martha caught us playing the game and took up our card, but I heard her laughing about it later when she thought we weren't watching. She used to be an elementary teacher so I'm sure she has some names of her own to add to the list.

How about you? Are there any names that are driving you crazy? Come share! Or tell me that I am a mean horrible person for making fun of children. Either way, comments will make my day!

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