The week before mom went back to work was rough, but not for the reasons that mom wanted. My mother has been a stay at home mom ever since my brother Thomas was born 8 years ago. I asked her once why she didn't stay home with me when I was born and she said that by the time Thomas was born our "situation" had changed. What she meant was that when I was born her and dad were fresh out of high school and didn't have any money. By the time my brother was born, Dad had a job as a fire man and it paid enough for mom to stay home. Three years later when she had my other brother Michael she solidified her status as a stay at home mom.
She volunteered for every thing. She volunteered at school. She volunteered at church. She dragged us along to every PTA and church committee meeting she went to. She was the chair of the Hospitality committee which was responsible for all of the parties and events at the church. She served on the Bereavement committee which meant she kept a freezer full of precooked casseroles that she could take out at a moments notice and rush to someones house if they lost a loved one.
But last year Grandma lost her house when the economy took a dive and her retirement vanished. She moved in with us and dad said that he would not be responsible for 6 people on one income, so mom had to go back to work. She was all choked up about it. She kept sighing and saying things like, "When I go back to work, things are going to be different around here." and "Don't expect these big homemade meals when I go back to work, I just won't have the time." She wanted all of us to be sad that she wasn't going to be around, but I just couldn't bring myself to be sad. For the first time ever I was going to have some freedom!
Mom wouldn't be getting home until 6pm most nights! That was a full two hours after I got out of school! Two hours to go to friends houses. Two hours to roam the neighborhood. I could get on a bus and go downtown and be home before she ever knew I was gone! I had to try really hard not to smile when mom started on about how rough it was going to be with our her around to make our beds and do our laundry. Like I care if my bed is made.
Friday night we were all sitting down for dinner. Mom was giving grandma instructions for when my brothers got off the bus from school.
"Now, they will want a snack, but I don't let them have junk. Give them a piece of fruit or cheese when they get in, but not to much because I don't want it to ruin their dinner."
"I know what I'm doing Sister!" That's what my Grandma called me and mom. I'm not sure why.
My brother Thomas chimed in, "Yeah, mom. She's got it. Leave her alone."
Mom patted his head like he was some sad confused boy and said, "You don't know it yet, but it's going to be a big adjustment with me gone. Won't it dear?" She directed that last part at my dad.
Dad looked up from his pasta and and stared around the table like he just noticed us all sitting there. "I don't know," he shrugged,"I'm gone all day so I don't ever get to see you anyway."
Dad never knew the right thing to say. Mom's lips got real thin and her nostrils began to flare. Dad went back to eating his dinner and mom's eyes got shiny and she suddenly got up from the table and grabbed her purse and said, "I need some air!" and stormed out of the kitchen and into the back yard.
Mom thinks that none of us know that she smokes. She keeps her cigarettes in her purse and when ever she gets stressed out she disappears behind the big oak tree in the backyard and has a smoke.
The rest of us were left at the table to finish our dinner. If Dad knew he messed up, he didn't let on about it. He just finished his dinner quietly and when he was done, he got up to take the dish to the sink. Grandma started humming something under her breath. Everything always reminded her of a song and it is never a song I have heard of.
Mom wanted every one to be sad she was going back to work, but no one was. Dad was happy about getting an extra income. He cared about made beds about as much as I did. Thomas was going to be starting baseball this year and had just learned how to do a wheelie on his bike. He wasn't worried about mom being home when he got off the bus. Michael was starting kindergarten this year. He was way to excited about finally getting to go to school to care what anyone else was doing. And me? I was ready for some change. Let the chaos begin!
I feel that I've lived some of this at one time or another. More adventures to come. Can't wait.